Electronics Embedded projects jalandhar phagwara amritsar kapurthala hoshiyarpur batala gurdaspur
Electronics Projects List
Automatic sanitizer Cabin 8000
Traffic Light control 6000
bluetooth Controlled devices 7000
Ventilator Prototype working model
Smart Dustbin with ultrasonic sensor 9000
Remote control bogie wogie 12000
Arduino Blind turn alert lights 8000
IOT car parking ultrasonic based 15000
IOT heartbeat monitoring 10000
Arduino based smart car parking 8000
8051 car parking 7000
Steppper motor control 6000
RFID based smart shop
Arduino and controller based master slave gas detection in multiroom
Accelerometer based flyover vehicle speed control
Patient Alert system
Automatic Ambulance System
Vehicle Security Using Alcohol Detection
TRIAC based Load control system with single phase
ARDUINO based fire fighting robot
Wireless less energy meter
Camera lights activate with LDR
Arduino based intelligent car parking‘
FAN temperature control system
Automatic Conveyor System
Digital clock with LED
Automatic Railway Crossing
Auto stop train
Building a line follower robot
Arduino based traffic light
Arduino based RF robot
Arduino based garden automation
Arduino control device with energy efficient logic
Vehicle security using alcohol detection
Arduino based intelligent car parking
Data Communication Using Power Line 9500
Currency counter 8500
Count down timer 6000
Color detection robot 12000
College bell management system using RTC 8200
CDMA communication using optical fiber 9000
Black box 8600
Fan control with temperature sensor 5500
Bank security system 6500
Auto-path robot 7500
RFID reader based attendance system 8000
Automatic ambulance system 8000
Wireless energy meter monitoring system using RF 8500
Camera lights activate with LDR circuit 6500
Wireless energy meter recharge system 7500
Triac based load control system using single phase 7900
Arduino touch and speak robot
Patient Alert System 9000
IOT based garbage collection system 14000
PLC based solar Irrigation control 16000
PLC based Bottling Plant Automation 18000
Touch screen based wireless controlled robot 9900
Solar water purifier 9500
Racing system 12000
Sea saw based car lift
Solar Pesticide based spray pump
Solar drip irrigation system Electricity bill feedback system Electricity bill payment with gsm sms
Power factor measurement electronically 18000
Automated Home with GSM message Alert and GSM device Control– 12000
Propeller Clock 8500
Optical Fiber Losses Measurement
Finger Print Based
Heart Beat Monitor 6500
Gesture Robot 8500
Over Voltage Detection
Face Recognition
Vehicle based Fuel meter system
RF Accident Security 6500
RF Attendance System
Army Based Laser Control
Ultrasonic Distance Meter 8500
Laser Data control communication 7500
GPS Based Accident Security System 9500
Farmer Alert System
GPS Tracking System
Home Automation Using PLC
Automatic Guide Vehicle
Automatic Alcohol Detection In Vehicles
Alcohol Detector With Wireless Feedback
Alcohol Detector 6500
Alcohol Detector With RF feedback 8500
Anti-Collision Car/Train 7500
Anti-Falling Robot 7500
Anti Theft Car Security System 8900
Anti-Theft Robot 8900
USB device Control 5500
Bluetooth Device Control 7500
Atm security system 6500
Auto Cleaner GSM Robot
Auto Dialer With VP
Auto Stop Train RF Based
Auto Cleaner
Auto Dialer Heartbeat + Temp. Monitor
Automatic AC Control
Automatic Accident Alerts
Automatic Ambulance Alert System
Car Automation With Voice Processor
Automatic Distribution Control With Current Feedback
Automatic Drill Machine mechanism
Automatic Free Space Detection
Automatic Garage System
Automatic Gear Control System
Automatic Gear Control + Sensor Based Security
Auto Path + Auto Braking System
Auto Path Finder Robot
Voice Based Auto Path + Line Follower
Bank Security Using Password + IR Based
Black Box With VP
Sensor Based Security For Vehicles
Magic Stick For Blind Persons
Blind Stick
Voice Based Magic Stick
Bus Stop Indicator
Digital Calendar
Camera Security System
Car Automation
Car Parking Lift With Digital Display
Vehicle Security System With GSM Message
Room Cleaner Robot
Real Time Based Clock
Colour Detector
Automatic Conveyor System
Ultrasonic Proximity Detector
Current Measurement System
Automatic Ambulance System– In this project there will be traffic light control system – four poles. Any when any ambulance come there will be green light from that side and there will be accidentalert system for vehicle.
UDM based Smart Dustbin–
in this project we will use UDM sensor to found out dustbin empty or full. When dustbin will be full then our system will automatically give message to JE corporation or related contractor.
Smart Dustbin with Plastic and metal segregation- in this project we will be make dustbin which will sense metal objects. When metal detected then our system will move products in one bin and if not detected then it will insert object in second bin.
UDM Autobraking vehicle with flyover high speed using Accelerometer– proj ect is new in this project we will use Ultrasonic sensor to sense object in front of vehicle. When any object detected then our vehicle will automatically stop. In this projects we will increment or decrements the speed of vehicle according to elevation angle of vehicle. When vehicle will detect inclined surfave then speed will increase automatically. Other wise on normal surface convert to normal speed.
Arduino based Smart car parking system– in this project we will use arduino UNO or arduino mega..acc to cost. There will be parking slots. For vehicle placement. There will be IR sensor. When any vehicle will come then IR sensor will sense vehicle and display vacant location. When there will be no space it will display no space or full. There will be barrier open option for any space available.
Vehicle Security Using Alcohol Detection– project can be made in many ways. It depends on cost, we will use MQ3 sensor for alcohol, detection . When enough amount of alcohol detected then our system Arduino or controller will give signal to GM modem then gsm modem will send sms to the saved number.
RFID based smart Electronics shop– project is interesting and costly. Your should work on it only if budget is good. There will be row column system objects will be selected using RFID by person. There will be automatically billing system there will be separate bin for each person.
TRIAC BASED LOAD CONTROL SYSTEM WITH SINGLE PHASE– in this projects we will use power electronics. Mostly industry use Triac inspite of using relays. Bcos triac will not produce noise during switching
ARDUINO BASED FIRE FIGHTING ROBOT– in this project we will use arduino for fire fight control purpose . We will remotely control with RF circuit. LDR sensor or fire sensor will be used for fire detection
WIRELESS ENERGY METER RECHARGE SYSTEM– in this project we will use RF or DTMF or sms or wifi technology for meter recharge. Load will work till meter recharge finishes.
Automatic Conveyor System
Digital clock with LED
Automatic Railway Crossing
Auto stop train
Building a line follower robot
Arduino based traffic light
Arduino based RF robot
Arduino based garden automation
Arduino control device with energy efficient logic
Vehicle security using alcohol detection
Arduino based intelligent car parking
Data Communication Using Power Line
Currency counter
Count down timer
Color detection robot
College bell management system using RTC
CDMA communication using optical fiber
Black box
Fan control with temperature sensor
Bank security system
Auto-path robot
RFID reader based attendance system
Pit detector vehicle
Automatic ambulance system
Wireless energy meter monitoring system using RF
Camera lights activate with LDR circuit
Wireless energy meter recharge system
Triac based load control system using single phase
Arduino touch and speak robot
Patient Alert System
IOT based garbage collection systemater pump controller
PLC based solar Irrigation control- In this project we will use soalr panel as a electricity source. PLC will be work as a brain of project. DTMF technology will be used to get data from mobie ..read more.
Currency counter 4000
PLC based Bottling Plant Automation
Touch screen based wireless controlled robot
Solar water purifier
racing system
Sea saw based car lift
Solar Pesticide based spray pump
Solar drip irrigation system Electricity bill feedback system Electricity bill payment with gsm sms
Power factor measurement electronically
Automated Home with GSM message Alert and GSM device Control– 3500
Automated Home- In this project there will alert and control of mail, gas leakage, street light , garden pump …Read more..
Propeller Clock- In this project we will install only 8 leds on small fan wings and when it will rotate then it will display time in Air. it will make illusion of Clock. Clock will give real current time using RTC DS130- …Read More..
Black Box Security system for- In this project we will do car automation – advancedment in car -latest sensor based car automation using microcontroller or PLC….
Electricity Theft detection -in this project we will make RFID based system -first of all we will make gsm based prepaid electricity meter in which LCD will show cuurent reading of electricity consumption. in other section we will transmitt this reading sto substion. in this way subsation will collect all readings if there will be any theft then our substation reading will show theft…Read more.
Traffic Light ambulance with RF accident Security- In this project Traffic light will work using Microcontroller 89s52 or PLC system. when any ambulance will come near traffic light then our RFID available in ambulance will transmit alert using RF modules 433MHz to traffic light panel. Traffic light panel will automatically set green light to side where ambulance is coming. in this way we can protect someone life. in other phase of project we will give security to vehicles . in case of any accident our sensor system based RF transmitter will send signal to Control room so that they could take action. vehicle No. will display on LCD
Optical Fiber Losses Measurement
Finger Print Based
Heart Beat Monitor
Gesture Robot
Over Voltage Detection
Face Recognition
Vehicle based Fuel meter system
RF Accident Security
RF Attendance System
Army Based Laser Control
Ultrasonic Distance Meter
Laser Data control communication
GPS Based Accident Security System
Farmer Alert System
GPS Tracking System
Home Automation Using PLC
Automatic Guide Vehicle
Automatic Alcohol Detection In Vehicles
Alcohol Detector With Wireless Feedback
Alcohol Detector
Alcohol Detector With RF feedback
Anti-Collision Car/Train
Anti-Falling Robot
Anti Theft Car Security System
Anti-Theft Robot
ARM Machine
USB device Control
Bluetooth Device Control
Auto Cleaner GSM Robot
Auto Dialer With VP
Auto Stop Train RF Based
Auto Cleaner
Auto Dialer Heartbeat + Temp. Monitor
Automatic AC Control
Automatic Accident Alerts
Automatic Ambulance Alert System
Car Automation With Voice Processor
Automatic Distribution Control With Current Feedback
Automatic Drill Machine mechanism
Automatic Free Space Detection
Automatic Garage System
Automatic Gear Control System
Automatic Gear Control + Sensor Based Security
Auto Path + Auto Braking System
Auto Path Finder Robot
Voice Based Auto Path + Line Follower
Bank Security Using Password + IR Based
Black Box With VP
Sensor Based Security For Vehicles
Magic Stick For Blind Persons
Blind Stick
Voice Based Magic Stick
Bus Stop Indicator
Digital Calendar
Camera Security System
Car Automation
Car Parking Lift With Digital Display
Vehicle Security System With GSM Message
Room Cleaner Robot
Real Time Based Clock
Colour Detector
Automatic Conveyor System
Ultrasonic Proximity Detector
Current Measurement System
Auotpath Robot- In this project we show that how we design the robot for auto path finder . In this project we use two infra red sensor on the front of the vehicle. Two gear dc motor for smooth vehicle driving. In normal condition when this robot move on the track forward. Now if any sensor sense a reflection then robot change its direction by changing the direction of its one motor for a small time and again move forward Both the sensor control the two different motor at a time
This is a new concept of future vehicle. Imagine that if any robot move on the surface if suddenly there is a big hole in the surface. Then how we stop the vehicle for falling in the hole .We design a special depth sensor for this purpose. Depth sensor automatically sense the depth and change the direction of vehicle and stop the vehicle for falling in the hole.
Line follower robot follow the black line on the white surface with the help of two different sensor. Both the sensor sense the black line and if the sensor is on the white surface then robot slightly changes its position and again follow the black line.
For demonstrating this robot we mark the white board with black line , our robot cannot cross this outer surface .Whenever robot sense this rekha then robot revee back for few step and again go forward to locate a breakage in the rekha , if there is now breakage then robot move only across the rekha. - AUTO CLEANER ROBOT.
Assume that robot move on the way , suddenly any object is in the front of the robot . Now robot stop automatically and one cleaning arm remove the object from the front and robot again sense the interruption, if there is no interruption then robot move forward again, in this project we use three dc motor’s . Two motor for the vehicle movement and one motor for the cleaning the object
One for the base movement, One for up and down arm movement,One for grip and un-grip the object.
Control option,Wired 6 different switches
Control all the six movement of robotic arm with the help of computer . Now we control the robotic arm with the help of C++ software. Parallel port connectivity with hardware and three different motor’s.
Control all the movement of the robotic arm with the help of multi channel remote control. One preprogrammed micro controller in the transmitter and one preprogrammed micro controller at the receiver to control all the movement of robotic arm.
Once battery is on move on the track like metro, stop on different points, auto revee on end of path and move on the path automatically forward and revee. Using only one motor for forward and revee movement.
If the two train on one track then trains stop automatically with infra red sensor’s and receiver circuit.
Auto railway crossing system , automatic open and close the railway phatak with the help of different sensor’s, alarm system is also on railway phatak. Using DC motor control syst
By using this system we monitor the position of train on the track by using different sensor’s, using microcontroller and different sensor’s. we will use 16*2 LCD.fish plate indication+ railway crossin
Train is automatic on and automatic stop on each and every station automatically. Train takes a revee action automatically and move on the trac
IN this project train will move forward and back with IR senso. Stop on every station and will indicate on LCD
In this model we show that how we control the movement of train with the help of computer. C++ interface, Parallel port interfac
In this project we show that how we control the movement of any platform with the help of different sensor’ using slow speed DC motor
In this project we sense the position of the lift with the help of the different sensor and at the same time we check the position of the parking position on the floor, If the floor is full then lift go the the next floor, If the next floor is also full then llift came back to the origional position.two sensor on each floor and two floo. - AUTO PARKING SYSTEM.-
When one car is enter in the parking system then increment counter increment the counting, car park in the system and car place is indicate in the display. Now when car leave the parking then down counter decrement the counter system. When parking is full then parking door is automatic shut dow
AUTO PARKING SYSTEM+ paid toll tax plaza.-
When one car is enter in the parking system then increment counter increment the counting, car park in the system and car place is indicate in the display. Now when car leave the parking then down counter decrement the counter system. When parking is full then parking door is automatic shut down, . in this project we will use switches or ir sensor as a coin detector to pay the fees at toll plaza. Amount will be on 162 LCD. Only one barrier for toll plaza, AUTO PARKING SYSTEM+ paid toll tax plaza+ smart card.- When one car is enter in the parking system then increment counter increment the counting, car park in the system and car place is indicate in the display. Now when car leave the parking then down counter decrement the counter system. When parking is full then parking door is automatic shut down . in this project we will use smart card to pay the fees at toll plaza. Amount will be on 162 LCD. Only one barrier for toll plaza,
When one car is enter in the parking system then increment counter increment the counting, car park in the system and car place is indicate in the display. Now when car leave the parking then down counter decrement the counter system. When parking is full then parking door is automatic shut down . in this project we will control devices using RF Remote.
In this project we show that how we control electrical appliances with the help of computer. Parallel port connectivity. Unique feature of embedded system control hardware. When we put a password in hardware then software passes the control logic in hardware.
Using three different motor we can control the movement of robotic arm with the help of C++ software.
P.C CONTROL SMART CAR + Device Control-
In this project we show that how we control the movement of any car with the help of computer. Car will be readymade RF car.
.Enter a proper password in the computer , If the password is ok ,Output unit is on. If Password is not ok circuit block after some time.for chaning a password enter a master password to change the password
Control upto 4 unit with the help of pc output with RF technology.
Control the movement of any car with the help of computer, wireless control, move forward, revee, right and left control
IN this project we use the concept of unmanned metro train, train start automatically, stop automatically and stop on different station step by step
Control the light for on and off from the reception side is very important for the hotel power management
Control the movement of mechanicallift with the help of c++ software. Parallel port interface, mechanical lift using DC geared motor - PC CONTROL STEPPER MOTOR.-
Control the movement of any stepper motor with the help of the c++ software. Control direction, speed
PC CONTROL 4 stepper motor card ( preprogrammed robotic)-
Wonderful control of 4 different stepper , as per the freedom of choice, control sequence control, control direction, control speed of all the motor by program logic.
Wireless data transmission through Radio frequency.
IN this project we show that how we transfer the data from one controller to second controller with the help of radio frequency. Data is serially transfer through infra red or radio frequency..
In this project we show that how we control the working of the pump in the filed from any part of the world using mobile phone. With the help of mobile keypad and satallite as a communicator it is possible to control up to 10 control at a time.
In this project we show that how we control the working of HOME appliances from any part of the world using mobile phone. With the help of mobile keypad and satallite as a communicator it is possible to control up to 10 control at a time
In this project we show that how we control the movement of the small robot through a I. R based remote. With the help of this remote it is possible for us to control the movement of the robot from the range of 15 feet. In the transmitter and receiver both the circuit we use ic 89S51 as a main microcontroller to control all the function of the project.
In this project we show that how we control the electrical distribution in different timing control. All the timing is control by the embedded digital clock. We control on time and off time for all the four different output with the help of menu driven soft ware.
In this project we the new concept in home automation, By using this project we save the cloth from the rain.
When Rain came then sensor sense the signal and at this time motor start to rotate and due to this motor moves and cloth cam back in the shelter. In the shelter one sensor is there and rope mounted on the pully is atop automatically in the shelter and due to that we save the cloth from the unwanted rain.
In this project we the new concept in home automation, By using this project we save the cloth from the rain.
When Rain came then sensor sense the signal and at this time motor start to rotate and due to this motor moves and cloth cam back in the shelter. In the shelter one sensor is there and rope mounted on the pully is atop automatically in the shelter and due to that we save the cloth from the unwanted rain.
In this project we the new concept in home automation, By using this project we save the cloth from the rain.
When Rain came then sensor sense the signal and at this time motor start to rotate and due to this motor moves and cloth cam back in the shelter. In the shelter one sensor is there and rope mounted on the pully is atop automatically in the shelter and due to that we save the cloth from the unwanted rain.
In this project we the new concept in home automation, By using this project we save the cloth from the rain.
When Rain came then sensor sense the signal and at this time motor start to rotate and due to this motor moves and cloth cam back in the shelter. In the shelter one sensor is there and rope mounted on the pully is atop automatically in the shelter and due to that we save the cloth from the unwanted rain.
In this project we will use different senso in car for security purpose. We will use LDR for detection of car coming from opposite side in night mode and will automatically start dipper. IR senso to detect outsider when we are not in car then it will give signal to buzzer.
BLIND STICK.with smart logic
IN this project we show that if the stick is misplace in any way then how we locate it. We insert a small infra red sensor in the stick. We locate this stick with the help of any remote. If the stick is in the range of any remote then blind peon locate this stick with the help of any tv remote. 36 k hz signal is to be transmit from the remote and if the stick is in the range of stick then stick sense the signal and alarm is on in the stick
In this project we show the concept of multilevel auto parking system. In this lift we show the two level parking on fit floor and on second floor. Lift automatic sense the space and if the space is available on the floor then lift stop and if there is no space on the floor then lift move up-wards and search for the second floor. If there is no space on the second floor then lift came back to the bottom space.
- Auto Braking system
- Auto Breaking system with autopath changer
- GSM CControl robotic Arm
- PC Control wireless car
- PC Control wireless metro Train
- PC Control Un manned vehicle
- Speed Control od DC motor
ELECTRICAL BASED PROJECT. - Multi channele IR control of electrical/electronics devices
- Speed Control of two different load with different speeds
- Speed control of DC motor and 4 appliances.
- Mobile Irrigation. ( Control of any electrical tubewell pump with the help of mobile phone with unlimited range)-
- Power saving Through PC. ( Control 4 different point through PC and provide a control timing option)-
- School bell management
- COUNT DOWN TIMER ( Set the numeric value on display and start the switch, when 0 circuit is on/off automatically)-
- ACCESS CONTROL DOOR OPENER( Just enter the password, wrong password protection, change password option, memory interface, lcd display, mechanical door)-
- ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION CONTROL SYSTEM. ( control 4 different zone , for time control electrical distribuation system).-
- HOTEL POWER MANAGEMENT Control the power of different room with the help of the PC.-
- TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SPA. Control the temperature level of spa room with hand-on presetable control, maintain the temperature by cut off / on the unit.-
- TEMPERATURE SENSTIVE FAN. Speed is automatically control using ADC, lm35 and microcontroller system.-
- CURRENT CONTROL SYSTEM ( Just check the current level by current sensing coil, control the current flow, display on lcd.-
- SOUND POLLUTION CONTROL. ( control the sound pollution of sensing the sound output and control the unit on/off as per the sound level)-
In this project we show that how we design a new concept of robotics. In this robot fit of all we use infra red sensor in the front of the robot. When any object is in the front of the robot then robot stops automatically, then its clean the object with third motor and goes forward. Two motor for the robot movement and third motor for cleaning the object automatically.
IN the circuit we use 89c2051 microcontroller to control all the logic of the robot. We use infra red sensor for the obstruction and infra red sensor for the antifalling logic. - AUTOMATIC PARKING CONTROL LOGIC.-
In this project we use one microcontroller and two gates, one gate at the entry and second at the exit. When any car enter in the PARING then circuit display 1 and at the same one parking slot is fill, IN this project we show that when parking is full or display 9 number then parking door is closed automatically. Parking is open automatically when any car leave the parking station. Main processor of this project is 89c51 controller. For door open circuit we use one CD player loader as a mechanical door. - COUNT DOWN TIMER LOGIC.-
This type of concept is very well useful in industry for automatic start and auto launch the any logic. In this project we use one seven segment display system for up-to 9999 value. With the four different switches we select the maximum counter value. As we press the start switch then counter start and count down to 1 increment every time. When counter shows 0000 display then circuit is auto on automatically. In this project we use 89c2051 controller. 4 seven segment display, ic 7447 display driver ic. - Electronics Voting Machine.-
In this project we show the working project of electronics voting machine. IN this machine we display the total 4 different candidate with check the volt individually. We provide a special switch to check the total number of vote.
Along with this project we use one extra memory to store the data when battery is disconnected.
We make a restriction in vote casting. It is not possible for any one to cast the vote twice in the machine, total control is in the hand of election controller. - MOBILE CONTROL ELECTRICAL APPLAINCES
In this project it is possible for any one to control any electrical appliances from any part of the world. By using this project it is also possible to control upto 10 different electrical appliance. IN this project we provide a security option with the help of the password control. Fit of all we enter a password, if the password is okay then circuit gives a audio indicatrion by 5 beeps. When we switch on any electrical project by DTMF tones then circuit again provide a audio feed back for on and off position - CONTROL COMMUNICATION USING OPTICAL FIBRE WITH MOBILE PHONE-
IN this project we show that how we show the concept of multi-mode communication. Data is to be transfer from Tx to Rx via optical fibre connectivity. By using this optical fibre we transfer the audio and DTMF code from one side to another side. With the help of DTMF code we select the receiver unit and then transfer the audio signal to different receiver
We show the concept of control communication with the help of DTMF Signaling either from the keyboard or from the mobile handset. - Remote sensitive rover-
In this project we show that how we control the mechanical river with the help of infra red rover. From the range of 20 feet it is possible for us to control the movement of the rover for all the four side. In the transmitter and receiver we use 89c51 micro controller. With the help of infra red transmitter infra red l.e.d and at the receiver end we use TSOP 1738 for receiving purpose. When we receive the signal from infra red remote then remote receiver is activate and control the movement of the rover as per the remote. - TEMPERATURE CONTROLEER .-
Temperature controller is very useful in the medical and industrial automation. We use this concept in new born baby incubimeter. By using this controller we set the maximum limit of the temperature.
LCD display the exact value of temperature and when lcd display the maximum value of temperature then output unit is off automatically until temperature cam down and maintain the minimum temperature of the incubimeter - TEMPERATURE SENSTIVE FAN.-
TEMPERATURE SENSTIVE FAN is same as temperature controller. Along with temperature controller we set four different zones for four different temperature. As the temperature rises the lcd display the temperature zone and this time out put resistance is connected in series with the load automatically . With the help of different value resistance
We control the speed of the fan automatically .
Temperature is sense by the lm335 temperature sensor. Output of the sensor is further amplified by the op-amp amplifier. Output of the amplifier is now converted into digital signal with the help of analogue to digital converter. Output of ADC is now processed by the controller and then display on the LCD itself. Output of the controller is now available for the control purpose. Here in this project we use 89c51 controller - Multi channel electrical control
IN this project we show that how we control the multi switches with the help of the Infra red control remote. For this project we transfer the remote data on 36 k Htz with 8 bit data . For this purpose we use one encoder microcontroller in transmitter section and decoder microcontroller in the receiver side. From the transmitter end we transfer the data serially through infra red rays. When this Rays are received by the decoder device then we control may device at a time with the help of the relay circuit. - Digigtal data Tranfer communication MCU to MCU.-
In this project we show that how we transfer the data digitally from one side to another side using optical fibre or infra red rays. Data type is ASCII code , enter through a keyboard display on the lcd . - DATA TRANSFER THROUGH ADDRESS CODE.-
( By this technique it is possible to transfer the data in different receiver, just like a CDMA). - DATA TRANSFER IN DUPLEX METHOD.-
( in this logic it is possible to use one circuit as a transmitter and receiver also, transfer the data in half duplex mode) - SECURITY BY PASSWORD OPTION.-
( IN the receiver end when we receive the data , then it is possible for use to save the data with password option). - ENCRYPTION OF DATA AND RECEIVE BY PASSWORD ONLY-
In this project we show that how we enter the data in processor and display on the LCD, After enter the data in the LCD it is possible for us rotate the data from left to right . - Autodialler Logic
Auto dialer logic . Its means that telephone line is automatic on if any accident or any unwanted action occur , like robbery in bank, any life saving option with human being, gas leakage, any burgular activity in home. All this action with different sensor’s is to be connected with this project for auto dialing concept. BY means this by using this concept it is possible , in case of any emergency telephone line is automatic on dial the predecided number with voice feedback mechanism - Teleguard –
This project monito the following paramete :
1)Intruder. 2)Smoke. 3 ) Water over flow 4) Gas Leak.
In case any breach of security, the device takes the following action.1) Sound and alarm. 2)If the alarm is not switched off within 30 seconds, that means nobody is available, the device must take some more action. After 30 second, the device will dial-up the pre programmed telephone number, and will deliver the emergency message stored into speech IC. You can change the telephone number youself any time. Even you can feed your mobile number.
This is unique project designed to save electrical bills specially in hotel environment. Normally it happens that custome comes to the hotel and while going out from the hotel they often leave the lights and fan ON. Normally the custome surrender the key to the reception counter while leaving. If the reception staff could switch OFF. The power to the unoccupied rooms through there computer keyboard immediately, they can save lot of power. Similarly while handing over the key to the custome they can again switch on the power to the rented room. The project is design for four floo and eight rooms. Two rooms on each floor. Project consist software in C language
This is an industrial project based on µp/µc, can be utilized where temperature control is require the present project is designed for two channels can be extended up to eight channels. The LCD displays the temperature and setting can be done through keyboard. The relay operate whenever temperature exceed the set temperature.
In this project we show that how we control the small robot with the help of GSM mobile phone, In this project we show that how we control the movement of the robot from any part of the world. By using any phone it is possible to control the robot from unlimted range.In this project we use two slow speed motor with 89c2051 ( 20 pin ) microcontroller. - Automatic room light intensity control.-
In this project we show that how we control the intensisty of the room light with the help of this project. When any peon enter in the room then infra red sensor activate automatically and switch on the room light. As second peon enter in the room then at the same time intensisty of light increase automatically. Intensisty of the light is vary as per the peon enter in the room automatically. 89s51 based microcontroller - Simple optical fiber communication.-
. 1200 In this project we show that how we transfer the data from one side to another side using optical fibre or laser. In this project we not only transfer the sound signal from one side to another side but transfer the digital signal also - . Simple optical fiber voice and data communication –
In this project we show that how we transfer the data from one side to another side using optical fibre or laser. In this project we not only transfer the sound signal from one side to another side but transfer the digital signal also. - Access control- –
In this project we will control the door using password. There will be two passwords. One user and one maseter. Master is fixid in programming. Master cab change user password anytime by entering master password. Will use 89s51 and LCD 16*2. keypad. Maximum password capacity. EEprom for permanent storage 24c02. - Aceess control system with password,
( In this project we show the advance level of access control system, This access control is still for 5 peon but in future it is possible to design this for many- many peon , without pc interface. Fit you enter your ID , if the ID is correct then you enter a password and if the password is ok the door is open. If the password is not ok then alarm is on. I f you want to change the password then fit of all you enter your id and then change your password. Now MASTER is here with master key. Master change the password of any one after entering a id . All the detail of password , change password is store in the external memory 24co2. Microcontroller 89s51. lcd display - MOVING DISPLAY ON BIG L.E.D DISPLAY WITH KEYBOARD + DATA SAVED IN 24C02 MEMORY.-
L.E.D MOVING DISPLAY WITH 32 LINE OF 8 SERIES LED with microocntroller interface 89s51 . Data is input by the external keyboard ASCII . data is to be stored in 24c04 memory. Upto character is to be stored in the memory. - AUTOMATIC GEAR CONTROL WITH RPM COUNTER.-
In this project we measure the speed of motor and when motor speed is change then we measure the speed of motor in RPM and display on the lcd. According to the speed of the motor we change the gear from 1 to 4 automatically. Lcd display microcontroller 89s51 interface. - DIGITAL FUEL METER.-
In project we use the floating system of the care petrol tank and with the help of digital converter and microcontroller we display the level of liquid on the lcd. In the lcd we not only display the fuel level but at the same time we show the average coverage area in milage on the lcd. We also set the reserve setting of the petrol from the external switches. - SPEED CHECKER FOR HIGH WAYS.-
In this project we not only display the speed of moving vehicle but display the speed on the lcd. If the speed is above the limit then protection door is shut down , if the speed is slow then door is open. Speed is detect by the two infra red sensor. Microcontroller 89s51, lcd display, slow speed motor of door. - REAL HEART BEAT MONITOR WITH LCD DISPLAY.-3
In this project we show the unique concept of heart beat measurement by body resistance. As the heart pump there is small change of body resistance in the palm , we use this concept in the automatic exercise machine in zim. We use this technique and display on the heart beat pumping on the lcd . - ULTRA SONIC DISTANCE METER.-
So advance project , by sending a echo from the transmitter and receive the same on the other receiver and display the distance on the lcd. Using ultrasonic transmitter and receiver . Microcontroller 89s51, lcd display - 8.TRAFFIC LIGHT+ FOUR SIDE L.E.D + DENSITY CONTROL + SPECIAL PROVISION FOR AMBULANCE + ROAD SIDE PEDESTRIAN CONTROL THROUGH MOTOR.
This is the concept of security system in house, we use this concept in our home with LPG GAS SENSOR, ALCOHOL SENSOR for car. When sensor detect the gas then it display on the lcd and at the same time alarm is on and cut off the supply chain. 89s51 microocntroller, lcd dsisply, gas sensor. - SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR THORUGH MANUAL AND INFRA RED REMOTE USING DAC TECHNOLOGY. –
In this project we show the unique concept of speed control of dc motor. With the help of this project we control the speed of dc motor through manual and via transmitter remote. Using seven segment display. 89s51 controller , using serial communication based remote.- AUTO DISTRIBUTION CONTROL WITH TIME BASED CUT OFF LOGIC. .
Just wonderful project to demonstrate the automatic distribution control with lcd display and display the zone control with time option. With the help of Menu driven based program we control the timing of the 4 different channel for on and off time control.
In this project we set the current limit of the output load , if the acquired load is to be increased then current transformer provide a feedback and load is cut off automatically. Using 89s51 controller + lcd display + current transformer. - SMS ON LANDLINE. –
Auto hook up circuit, when any body call the number then phone is automatic on after some time. Then with the help of keyboard we enter a written message on the receiver phone, using 89s51 controller, lcd display. - VOTING ON TELEPHONE LINE. –
In this project we show that how we enter a vote through a landline or mobile phone from any part of the world, data is to be record in the external memory 24c02. One peon enter a one vote at a time , using 89s51 controller, lcd display. - ENERGY THROUGH BUSY ROAD + AUTOMATIC STREET LIGHT+ AUTO LIGHTS ON RAD ENTRY AND AUTO OFF ON EXIT.-
In this project we show that how we convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy with the help of dynamo and save this energy in the small chargeable battery, with the help of light sensor control the working of street light and at the same time when any vehicle on the road then all the lights are on if there is no vehicle on the area then half lights are on - GSM ROBOT WITH AUTO PATH FINDER + ANTI FALLING CONVEPT. –
By using gsm mobile phone we can control the movement of any robot for forward, revee, left and right . We change the robot from gsm to auto path finder with left and right sensor , at this time robot sense the depth also by anti falling sensor . - SMART PARKING CONTROL .-
In this logic we control the parking system with 8 sensor , auto door open, car detection on entry . display the available space on lcd, if no space then display no space, 89s51 controller, - SMART PARKING WITH MULTILEVEL LIFT-
In this project we ass the two floor lift with above project.+ lcd display and show the empty space on lcd and control the movement of the lift on empty floor automatically. - SMART CARD CONTROL +LCD+ 89S51 CONTROLLER+ ATTENDENCE RECORDER+ ROOM LIGHT CONTROL. –
In this project we use the smart card system with the vehicle, when car move on the road then money is automatic detected by the sensor, if the money is not in the card then car is shoot with automatic camera - ELECTRONICS ROAD PRICING AND RED LIGHT JUMP LOGIC.
.In this project we show that how we control the movement of the traffic on the road , if we insert a barrier in the road and this barrier is to be control by the coin inserted logic. As we insert the coin in the coin box then barrier is open aut omatically.
Next circuit is red light jump circuit , when red light is on then infra red sensor on the road is activate and if any vehicle is crossed through the road then one alarm is on for a time , Alarm circuit is off in during the green light and yellow light.
. - Ultrasonic Radar– In this projects we will use 89s51 and 16*2 LCD for display angle and distance. We will use 40 khz ultrasonic sensor-
- Ultrasonic auto stop train– in tis project when two trains coming in front of each other then it will stop each other. Range 5 – 10 mete.-
- RF controlled ROBOT – range from 40-120 yards.-
- wireless Road accident security system-
- Security system from terrorist –
- Wireless runway security system- for four Aero planes- on LCD, RF technology. Buzzer , LED indication.-
- Peltier based temperature control-
- RF LOCK system- 4
- Ultrasonic LOCK-
- Biofeedback system for data logging –
- GSM and DTMF based tele medication for different alignment-
- Green bee based environment control-3
- Machine control using DTMF-3
- Wireless walking robot –
- Punch card based enter access control-
- static and dynamic password based solutions-
- Proximity and wireless card based attendance system-
- RF stepper motor control- 4
- Punch card based door+attendance+energy zone
- voice based metro train
- over current or voltage wireless indication
- solar car
- RF stepper motor control
- Marriage palace sound level measurement with control
- powerline carrier communication with temperature
- Smart card autodialler
- metro like RF id card reader applications- realtime
- GPS based projects
- Finger module based applications
Projects List- we also provide Training on projects/ Project Reports/ Synopsis/ Step by Step Guidance/ Viva Classes/ Technical Specifications/ Drawings/ Simulation
Regenerative breaking system
Stair Climbing Trolley
Hydraulic bridge
Multipurpose machine
Pneumatic can crusher
Electricity generation using road energy
Pedal power water purifier
Automatic car jack
Air engine- page 1– page 2
Box shofting conveyor production system
pneumatic Can crsuher`
Synopsis scissor load lifter
Synopsis Speed Breaker
Synopsis Pneumatic hammer
Synopsis Multinut opener
Synopsis Continuous variable transmission
synopsis automatic drain cleaner
Pneumatic sheet cutter
Synopsis rotating inventory store
fabrication of Air brake system using exhaust gases
Material handling in x y z direction
Manual Roller Bending Machine
Bench Tapping Machine
E Skateboard With Motion Sensing
Motorized Smart Turning Mechanism
Pneumatic Powered Wall Climbing Robot
Coin Based Cola & Soda Vending Machine
Power Generation Using Electromagnetic Suspension
Kneading machine for flour making
Working model of pelton wheel turbine
Pneumatic based zigzag bridge
Separation of metallic and non metallic material
Automatic scrap collecting robot
Coin based soda wending machine
Differential gear assembly
Efficiency of propeller shaft drive over chain drive in two wheeler
Pipe line robot with leakage detection
Object segregation with rejection
Paddle operated Hacksaw
Paddle operated grinder
Paddle operated electricity generation
Pneumatic/Hydraulic based Breaking system
Pneumatic/Hydraulic based Lift Control
Pneumatic/Hydraulic based Punching Machine
Pneumatic/Hydraulic based Conveyor Automation
Pneumatic sheet Cutter
Pneumatic Grinding machine
Pneumatic Gear shifting system
Pneumatic vehicle tyre air filling system
PIN ball Game
Mechanical Milk Stirrer
Automatic Cementing machine using rack and pinion
Bricks making machine
Smart Wheel chair
Stair climbing chair with planetary gears
Stair climbing trolley
Stair climbing trolley with planetary gears
stair climbing remote controlled vehicle robot
stair climbing manual remote based vehicle robot
Stair climbing bogie wogie
Car parking with Rack and pinion
Car parking with channels
Car parking Rotating
Car parking wood based Low cost
Car parking round shaped
Gear less Transmission
Circular Gearless Transmission
Multipurpose Machine
Multipurpose machine with 5 tools
Scissor Load lift
Automatic drain cleaner
Continous variable Power Transmission
Power Transmission using different Gears
Rotating Inventory store
Paper cutting Geneva mechanism
Horizontal wind turbine
Vertical wind turbine
Patient bed cum chair
Chips making machine
solar operated hack saw
solar based double hacksaw
Motorised Hacksaw
hacksaw using pneumatic cyllinder
Hacksaw using yoke mechanism
Motorised double hacksaw
portable Hacksaw
Quad hacksaw motorised
Automatic sensor based Hacksaw
pneumatic safety system for Power hacksaw
Abrasive wear testing machine
Seed planter manual
Seed planter remote based
seed planter vehicle and seed feeding motor remote controlled
Seed planter with double row seed planting system
Canal edge control using soil moisture sensing
Solar crop cutter
Remote based Crop cutter
Solar Grass cutter
Remote based Solar Grass cutter
Stoke yoke mechanism based Grass Cutter
Headlight steering control – unidirectional controlled
Motorised Grinder
3 D printer
Motorsied hammering
Motorised Durmut
solar based Hammer
Paddle based Hammering
synopsis electromagnetic clutch plate system
See Saw based electricity generation
Gear control bi-directional to uni directional circular movement control mechanism
Foot step electricity generation
Hydraulic actuator based mechanical braking system
Contact less eddy braking system
power generation from vehicle system
Pneumatic based dish wash machine
Pedal based washing machine
Quadric plant automation
Energy Generation from highway traffic
Hydraulic punching machine
Pneumatic rivting machine
Pneumatic railway crossing
Android based window pain moving mechanism
Pedal operated washing machine
Solar power controlled automatic vehicle
Cloth hanging machine
Automatic shoe polisher
Bicycle washing machine
Pneumatic railway crossing
Fork Lifter
Automatic drilling machine
Mini turbine
Mechanical robotic arm
Go cart
Two wheel fork lifter
Portable hammering machine
Solar Grass Cutter
Mini JCB
Fire controlled robot
Patient chair come bed
Electrical Cart
Solar bucket conveyor
Steam Engine
Solar seeker
Hydraulic Bridge
Motorized spider
Pneumatic car jack
Stair climbing robot
One to many nut opener
Water sprinkler
Fatigue testing machine
Hydraulic power plant
Fuel injection system
Hydraulic press
Bicycle grinding machine
Hydraulic brake
Hydraulic jack
Peltier Based Cooling System
Hydraulic punching machine
Solar Recycle
Wire cutting machine
Agriculture robot
Sterling Engine
Stair Climbing trolley
Conveyor Automation
Pneumatic automatic door
Vertical Axis Turbine
Calligraphy Machine
Bottling Plant
Pneumatic Hammer
Smart Dustbin
Head Light Steering
Steam Turbine
Solar Based Washing Machine
Wire Straightening machine
Agriculture robot
Sterling Engine
Stair Climbing trolley
Conveyor Automation
Pneumatic automatic door
Vertical Axis Turbine
Calligraphy Machine
Bottling Plant
Pneumatic Hammer
Smart Dustbin
Head Light Steering
Steam Turbine
Solar Based Washing Machine
Wire Straightening machine
Hydraulic power plant
Mechanical final year projects
Mechanical engineering drawing
Mechanical engineering Trainings
Six weeks Training/ Six months Training
Fuel injection system
Hydraulic press
Bicycle grinding machine
Design and Fabrication Of Gear and Spline Cutting Attachment for Lathe
Fabrication of Welding Slag Cleaning Machine- Mechanical Project
Automatic Pneumatic Holder Gripper- Mechanical Project
Mechanical Project On Sensor Operated Vice
Flywheel Based Battery Charger Mechanical Project
Design And Fabrication Of Tilting and Angle Vice
Paper Cutting And Rewinding Machine Mechanical Project
Hand Operated Can Crusher mechanical project Full report Download
Structural analysis of 3D printed structures
Pneumatic surface grinding machine
Cam Operated Hammer, Bending machine
Button Operated Gear Changing System For Two Wheeler
Design and fabrication of coconut dehusking machine
Design and Fabrication Of Arecanut tree Climber
Design and Fabrication Of Hydraulic Ram Pump
Design and Structural Analysis of Single Plate Friction Clutch
Design And Fabrication of Six Speed Constant Mesh Gear Box
Pneumatic Sheet Metal Shearing/Cutting Machine report
Development of working model of solar operated mini Seed driller
Gas Kit for Two Wheeler Mechanical Mini Project
Design and Analysis of Snap Fit Joints -Mechanical Projects
Design and Fabrication Of Briquetting Machine PDF Report Download
Flying On Flapping Wings By using Quick Return Mechanism
Fabrication Of Hydraulic Pipe Clamp Pressing Machine
Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic reciprocating Water Pumping system
Design and Fabrication Of Agricultural Cutter Using 4 Bar Mechanism
Design and fabrication of pipe inspection robot Report Free Download
Front Wheel Steering System with Movable Headlights Report Download
Pneumatic Cup Making Machine
Swing Electricity Generation System Mechanical Project
Spring Testing Machine Mechanical Project
Automatic Laminating System
Air Craft Auto Pilot Roll Control System
Pedaling Dress Washing Machine
Automatic Conveyor for Industrial Automation
Auto Braking System
Fuzzy Logic Vehicle Parking System
Light Following Robot
Automatic Saw Cutting
Air Engine
Pedal Controlled Mobile Charger cum Emergency Light
Microcontroller Based Vehicle Fare Meter
Yarn Breakage Monitor
Wind Energy Vehicle
Multi Agri Cutter
CAD/CAM/Pro-E/Del CAM based Project List
Automatic Lubrication Unit
Model Highway Road Curve Finder
Air Pollution Monitor
Vehicle Over Speed Control System
Automatic Speed Control in Speed Limit Zone
Automatic Spiral Punching Machine
Tyre Coupling
Automatic Intelligent Hydro Irrigation System
Car Theft Prevention Using Code Locking System
Wire Rope Elevator
Fabrication of Coconut Tree Sprayer
Automatic Coil Winding Machine
Pneumatic Chapathi Machine
Automatic PVC Pipe Cutting Machine
Automatic Punching Machine
Valve Regrinding Machine
Over Speed Indication And Automatic Accident Avoiding System For Four Wheeler
Automatic Petrol Bunk
Check Post Vehicle Analyzer
Electric Power from Industrial Waste Water
Two Wheeler with Propeller Shaft
Anti Theft Wheel Locking System
Emission Controller in Automobiles Using Black Box
Zig Zag Pneumatic Lift
Digitized Vehicle Car Dashboard
VI Based Diesel Plant Automation
Wind Based Water Pump
Sheet Metal Cutting Machine
Spray Painting Robot
Automatic Fuel Tank Filling System
Voice Operated Fuel Injector
Hydraulic Disc Brake
Pneumatic Pick & Placement
Multi Channel Product Measurement and Rejection System
Digital Vehicle Fuel Level Indicator
Fabrication of Hydraulic Power Plant
Fuzzy Logic Vehicle Traffic Regulation
Vehicle Inmobilization System
Vehicle Loan Watching System
Home Power Generation Using Combination of Solar Panel & Wind Mill
Analysis of a Vice-Grip
Solar Automatic Mobile Charging
Vending Machine
Pneumatic High Speed Reciprocting Hack Saw
Hand Operated Pneumatic Robot
Hydraulic Bending and Bend Removing Machine
Automatic Traffic Clearance during Emergency
Advanced Call Taxi Meter
Vehicle Fuel Theft System
Bus Backside Accident Alert System
License Scanning Automobile Security System
Automatic Solar Water Heating System
Salt Water into Pure Water
Remote Controlled Drilling Machine
Fabrication of Wind Mill
Electric Power from Speed Breaker
Six weeks & Six months TRAINING DEMO CLASSES – – training report and presentation will be provided + Project -Registration form for Training only
Capstone projects starts from Rs 1000 only. Lowest cost in INDIA. Inquiry your cost from us atleast one time.
Robotics Projects Price List Electronics Projects AVR based Projects Arduino based projects PIC Controller based Projects PLC based Projects ARM based Projects Communication Projects GSM based Projects Embedded Projects ECE Projects Major Projects Embedded Projects Engineering Projects REGISTRATION FORM Six weeks Training- Rs. 3000 Per Student. Six Months Training- 10000. Major Final year Projects in 8051 ,89s52,89s5189c2051-89c51-89c4051 vhdl-CPLD-FPGA-simulation embedded Projects AVR- Atmega 8-16-32 PIC- 16f84-16f64-16f72-16f676 Arduino- atmega8 freeduino PLC- Delta , Mistubishi, Siemens, Allen Bradley Electrical Projects- Power/PLC/simulation Computer- Java/php/C/C++/Networking
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Mechanical Projects Electronics Projects Electrical Projects
Final Year Projects Industrial Training Computer Projects AUTOMOBILE PROJECTS Minor Projects Kits
Six weeks Training Six months training School Projects Civil projects Major
VHDL projects
Embedded Projects
Major projects
Science Projects
Dealers Required
ELectronics Projects List
Automatic sanitiser Cabin
Ventilator Prototype working model
Smart Dustbin with ulrasonic sensor
Remote control bogie wogie
Arduino Blind turn alert lights
IOT car parking ultrasonic based
IOT heartbeat monitoring
Arduino based smart car parking
RFID based smart shop
Arduino and controller based master slave gas detection in multiroom
Accelerometer based flyover vehicle speed control
Patient Alert system
Automatic Ambulance System
Vehicle Security Using Alcohol Detection
TRIAC based Load control system with single phase
ARDUINO based fire fighting robot
Wireless less energy meter
Camera lights activate with LDR
Arduino based intelligent car parking‘
FAN temperature control system
Automatic Conveyor System
Digital clock with LED
Automatic Railway Crossing
Auto stop train
Building a line follower robot
Arduino based traffic light
Arduino based RF robot
Arduino based garden automation
Arduino control device with energy efficient logic
Vehicle security using alcohol detection
Arduino based intelligent car parking
Data Communication Using Power Line
Currency counter
Count down timer
Color detection robot
College bell management system using RTC
CDMA communication using optical fiber
Black box
Fan control with temperature sensor
Bank security system
Auto-path robot
RFID reader based attendance system
Pit detector vehicle
Automatic ambulance system
Wireless energy meter monitoring system using RF
Camera lights activate with LDR circuit
Wireless energy meter recharge system
Triac based load control system using single phase
Arduino touch and speak robot
Patient Alert System
IOT based garbage collection system
PLC based solar Irrigation control- In this project we will use soalr panel as a electricity source. PLC will be work as a brain of project. DTMF technology will be used to get data from mobie ..read more.
Currency counter
PLC based Bottling Plant Automation
Touch screen based wireless controlled robot
Solar water purifier
racing system
Sea saw based car lift
Solar Pesticide based spray pump
Solar drip irrigation system Electricity bill feedback system Electricity bill payment with gsm sms
Power factor measurement electronically
Automated Home with GSM message Alert and GSM device Control– 3500
Automated Home- In this project there will alert and control of mail, gas leakage, street light , garden pump …Read more..
Propeller Clock- In this project we will install only 8 leds on small fan wings and when it will rotate then it will display time in Air. it will make illusion of Clock. Clock will give real current time using RTC DS130- …Read More..
Black Box Security system for- In this project we will do car automation – advancedment in car -latest sensor based car automation using microcontroller or PLC….
Electricity Theft detection -in this project we will make RFID based system -first of all we will make gsm based prepaid electricity meter in which LCD will show cuurent reading of electricity consumption. in other section we will transmitt this reading sto substion. in this way subsation will collect all readings if there will be any theft then our substation reading will show theft…Read more.
Traffic Light ambulance with RF accident Security- In this project Traffic light will work using Microcntroller 89s52 or PLC system. when any ambulance will come near traffic light then our RFID available in ambulance will trasmitt alert using RF modules 433MHz to traffic light panel. Traffic light panel will automatically set green light to side where ambulance is coming. in this way we can protect someone life. in other phase of project we will give security to vehicles . in case of any accident our sensor system based RF transmitter will send signal to Control room so that they could take action. vehicle No. will display on LCD….read moreWiper rovo
Optical Fiber Losses Measurement
Finger Print Based
Heart Beat Monitor
Gesture Robot
Over Voltage Detection
Face Recognition
Vehicle based Fuel meter system
RF Accident Security
RF Attendance System
Army Based Laser Control
Ultrasonic Distance Meter
Laser Data control communication
GPS Based Accident Security System
Farmer Alert System
GPS Tracking System
Home Automation Using PLC
Automatic Guide Vehicle
Automatic Alcohol Detection In Vehicles
Alcohol Detector With Wireless Feedback
Alcohol Detector
Alcohol Detector With RF feedback
Anti-Collision Car/Train
Anti-Falling Robot
Anti Theft Car Security System
Anti-Theft Robot
ARM Machine
USB device Control
Bluetooth Device Control
Auto Cleaner GSM Robot
Auto Dialer With VP
Auto Stop Train RF Based
Auto Cleaner
Auto Dialer Heartbeat + Temp. Monitor
Automatic AC Control
Automatic Accident Alerts
Automatic Ambulance Alert System
Car Automation With Voice Processor
Automatic Distribution Control With Current Feedback
Automatic Drill Machine mechanism
Automatic Free Space Detection
Automatic Garage System
Automatic Gear Control System
Automatic Gear Control + Sensor Based Security
Auto Path + Auto Braking System
Auto Path Finder Robot
Voice Based Auto Path + Line Follower
Bank Security Using Password + IR Based
Black Box With VP
Sensor Based Security For Vehicles
Magic Stick For Blind Persons
Blind Stick
Voice Based Magic Stick
Bus Stop Indicator
Digital Calendar
Camera Security System
Car Automation
Car Parking Lift With Digital Display
Vehicle Security System With GSM Message
Room Cleaner Robot
Real Time Based Clock
Colour Detector
Automatic Conveyor System
Ultrasonic Proximity Detector
Current Measurement System
Automatic Ambulance System– In this project there will be traffic light control system – four poles. Any when any ambulance come there will be green light from that side and there will be accidentalert system for vehicle.
UDM based Smart Dustbin–
in this project we will use UDM sensor to found out dustbin empty or full. When dustbin will be full then our system will automatically give message to JE corporation or related contractor.
Smart Dustbin with Plastic and metal segregation- in this project we will be make dustbin which will sense metal objects. When metal detected then our system will move products in one bin and if not detected then it will insert object in second bin.
UDM Autobraking vehicle with flyover high speed using Accelerometer– proj ect is new in this project we will use Ultrasonic sensor to sense object in front of vehicle. When any object detected then our vehicle will automatically stop. In this projects we will increment or decrements the speed of vehicle according to elevation angle of vehicle. When vehicle will detect inclined surfave then speed will increase automatically. Other wise on normal surface convert to normal speed.
Arduino based Smart car parking system– in this project we will use arduino UNO or arduino mega..acc to cost. There will be parking slots. For vehicle placement. There will be IR sensor. When any vehicle will come then IR sensor will sense vehicle and display vacant location. When there will be no space it will display no space or full. There will be barrier open option for any space available.
Vehicle Security Using Alcohol Detection– project can be made in many ways. It depends on cost, we will use MQ3 sensor for alcohol, detection . When enough amount of alocohol detected then our system arduino or controller will give signal to GM modem then gsm modem will send sms to the saved number.
RFID based smart Electronics shop– project is interesting and costly. Your should work on it only if budget is good. There will be row column system objects will be selected using RFID by person. There will be automatically billing system there will be separate bin for each person.
TRIAC BASED LOAD CONTROL SYSTEM WITH SINGLE PHASE– in this projects we will use power electronics. Mostly industry use Triac inspite of using relays. Bcos triac will not produce noise during switching
ARDUINO BASED FIRE FIGHTING ROBOT– in this project we will use arduino for fire fight control purpose . We will remotely control with RF circuit. LDR sensor or fire sensor will be used for fire detection
WIRELESS ENERGY METER RECHARGE SYSTEM– in this project we will use RF or DTMF or sms or wifi technology for meter recharge. Load will work till meter recharge finishes.
Automatic Conveyor System
Digital clock with LED
Automatic Railway Crossing
Auto stop train
Building a line follower robot
Arduino based traffic light
Arduino based RF robot
Arduino based garden automation
Arduino control device with energy efficient logic
Vehicle security using alcohol detection
Arduino based intelligent car parking
Data Communication Using Power Line
Currency counter
Count down timer
Color detection robot
College bell management system using RTC
CDMA communication using optical fiber
Black box
Fan control with temperature sensor
Bank security system
Auto-path robot
RFID reader based attendance system
Pit detector vehicle
Automatic ambulance system
Wireless energy meter monitoring system using RF
Camera lights activate with LDR circuit
Wireless energy meter recharge system
Triac based load control system using single phase
Arduino touch and speak robot
Patient Alert System
IOT based garbage collection systemater pump controller
PLC based solar Irrigation control- In this project we will use soalr panel as a electricity source. PLC will be work as a brain of project. DTMF technology will be used to get data from mobie ..read more.
Currency counter 4000
PLC based Bottling Plant Automation
Touch screen based wireless controlled robot
Solar water purifier
racing system
Sea saw based car lift
Solar Pesticide based spray pump
Solar drip irrigation system Electricity bill feedback system Electricity bill payment with gsm sms
Power factor measurement electronically
Automated Home with GSM message Alert and GSM device Control– 3500
Automated Home- In this project there will alert and control of mail, gas leakage, street light , garden pump …Read more..
Propeller Clock- In this project we will install only 8 leds on small fan wings and when it will rotate then it will display time in Air. it will make illusion of Clock. Clock will give real current time using RTC DS130- …Read More..
Black Box Security system for- In this project we will do car automation – advancedment in car -latest sensor based car automation using microcontroller or PLC….
Electricity Theft detection -in this project we will make RFID based system -first of all we will make gsm based prepaid electricity meter in which LCD will show cuurent reading of electricity consumption. in other section we will transmitt this reading sto substion. in this way subsation will collect all readings if there will be any theft then our substation reading will show theft…Read more.
Traffic Light ambulance with RF accident Security- In this project Traffic light will work using Microcntroller 89s52 or PLC system. when any ambulance will come near traffic light then our RFID available in ambulance will trasmitt alert using RF modules 433MHz to traffic light panel. Traffic light panel will automatically set green light to side where ambulance is coming. in this way we can protect someone life. in other phase of project we will give security to vehicles . in case of any accident our sensor system based RF transmitter will send signal to Control room so that they could take action. vehicle No. will display on LCD….read moreWiper rovo
Optical Fiber Losses Measurement
Finger Print Based
Heart Beat Monitor
Gesture Robot
Over Voltage Detection
Face Recognition
Vehicle based Fuel meter system
RF Accident Security
RF Attendance System
Army Based Laser Control
Ultrasonic Distance Meter
Laser Data control communication
GPS Based Accident Security System
Farmer Alert System
GPS Tracking System
Home Automation Using PLC
Automatic Guide Vehicle
Automatic Alcohol Detection In Vehicles
Alcohol Detector With Wireless Feedback