Accident prevention using RF
Accident identification using RF
In this project we will control the accidents on road. We are making collision system. When any car or any thing come infront of car it will wirelessly give signal to nearest receiver.
We will use RF technology for this purpose.
RF remote control which is built using HT12E and HT12D chips. The remote control is built using RF encoder chip HT12E that will generate different codes. These codes will be transmitted by 434 MHz RF transmitter. At the receiving side these codes will be received by 434 MHz RF receiver and decoded by RF decoder chip HT12D.
In this project we show that how we design a RF information transfer . In this project we use two RF module for wireless data transfer.In this project we use 89s52 microcontroller as a main processor.. This controller is basically a 40 pin ic. In this project we use two sensor also.ROM of 89s52 is 8k and ram is 256 byte. We are using 16*2 lcd in this project. Lcd is connected to port 0 which will display the no. of vehicle . we are using counter in programming to show no. of accidents in that area. So that solutions can be found out to avoid these accidents. We will use buzzer to alert about accident on receiver side. A rf tag transmitter will be provided to each vehicle for vehicle identification. In case of any accident it will transmit its ID. On receiver side RF module will give signal to microcontroller. Microcontroller is decision maker here and informer to person on duty.It will give data to LCD , buzzer and LED’s. we will also use four LEDs to show accidents for immediate action.
These sensor are connected to the port p3.4 and port p3.5
Pin no 40 is connected to the positive supply. In this project we provide a 5 volt dc power supply. This power supply is truly regulated power supply. Pin no 20 is connected to the negative supply. Here we supply a negative voltage on this pin. Crystal is connected to the pin no 18 and 19 of the microcontroller. Crystal provide a clock signal to run the vehicle and process all the internal requirement of the circuit. We use two sensor and these two sensor are connected to the p3.4 and p3.5 of the microcontroller.For the regulated power supply we use ic 7805 as a regulator to provide a fix 5 volt power supply.
In this project we will make a transmitter for RF data transmission. Pin no 1of RF tx module is ground . second is for data , third for VCC and fourth for antenna Transmitter
We transmitter whole project in few steps:
RF transmitter
- RF module
- Encoder circuit
RF receiver
- Rf receiver
- Decoder
- Microcontroller circuit
- Visual indication- LCD and LEDs
- Audio alert- buzzer
Block diagram transmitter
Block Diagram of receiver
The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 4K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory pro-grammar. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications.
- 8051 programmer universal kit
- CRO 20 Mhz
- Digital multimeter
- Keil for Programming
- OrCAD for PCB designing
- Proteus 7.6 Simulation
- Reliable
- Easy to fabricate
- Flexible
- Low cost
- Portable
- Cost increase with in crease in cost.
- No reliable manufacturer in India
- 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by
Mohammad Ali Mazidi