Java Training
Java Syllabus
Introduction to Java
- Introduction
- History of java
- The java plateform
- Java architecture
- Java features
- Various versions of java
Java Syntax
- Variables & Identifiers
- Automatic conversion – ints and doubles
- If statement
- Relational operators
- Code blocks and Style
- Comments
- Key words
- Data types & Variables
- boolean
- byte
- char
- Literals – String and escape sequences
- Scope
- Arithmetic operators
- Relational
- Logical operators
- Type casting
- If/else
- If else ladders
- Keyboard input
- ? operator
- Switch
- Iteration (Loops)
- While loop
- Break
- Continue
- For loop
- Nesting
OOP principles
Class Fundamentals
- Class vs Object
- Writing a class
- Creating an object
- Constructors
- Default constructor
- Parameterized constructors
- Reference variables
- Methods
- Returning from methods
- Parameters
Primitives vs objects
- Primitive arrays
- Indexing
- Object arrays
- 2D arrays
- Array length
- Strings
- String methods
- Access specifies
- Pass objects to methods
- Returning objects
- Polymorphism revisited
- Method overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Recursion
- Inheritance
- Super Polymorphism
- Method overriding
- Abstract classes
- Final class
- Final method
- Final variable
- What is package
- Creating package
- Using a package
- Access modifier in packages
- Java.util.package
- IO classes
- Exceptions
- Try/catch
- Multiple catch statements
- Buffered Reader Buffered Writer
- Reading/writing text files
- Command-line arguments
- Java Docs
- Collections
- Vectors
- Type casting
- More on Collections
- Array List
- Hash Maps
- Properties
Create HelloServlet.
- Compile HelloServlet
- servlet-mapping
- Placing class file in proper directory
Handling data from HTML forms
- Create Login.html
- Create LoginServlet for login.html.
- scriptlets
- expressions
- declarations
- comments
- page directives
- implicit objects
- out
- response
- request
- exception
- JSP declarations
- Generate an exception
- isErrorPage
- jsp:include (vs.) @include
- Forward (vs.) Redirect
- page
- request
- session
- application
- page Context
Java beans
- JSP directives
- JSP automatic variables
- accessor methods
- relational DB basics
- Table, rows, columns
- Install and configure MySQL
- Picking a driver
- Properties class
- Connecting to DB
- driver Name
- connection URL
- loading the driver
Connection and Connection pools
DB statements
- Creating a new table
- Adding data
- Query data
- Filtered query
- Modifying data
- Deleting data
- Deleting a table
- Result sets
- Saving time and effort with dbVariables.jsp
- Display the class names for Connection and Statement objects